viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

Animals with unique skills

1. Puma: Jumping
 The puma is one of the most formidable predators on the planet.Also known this animal has muscular hind legs and large paws designed for powerful leaping. From a standing position, the puma has been known to jump 15 feet vertically. With a running start, the animal can easily clear 40 feet horizontally.They are within pouncing distance and then delivering a swift and fatal bite to the neck.

2. Dung Beetle: Moonlight Navigation

These insects are often observed to travel in a straight line with their dung balls, despite whatever obstacles they may encounter. It seems that these insects rely on the patterns created when moonlight interacts with particles in the atmosphere (polarization) to navigate in a straight line. When no moonlight is available, the dung beetles tend to veer, curve or otherwise meander, making safe delivery of those poop packages much more difficult.

3. Cheetah: Running

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